About Monksland N.S.

Monksland NS

School Times and Other Details

Infant Classes: 09:20 – 14:00
First to Sixth Classes: 09:20 – 15:00

The Board of Management does not accept responsibility for pupils who are on the school premises outside of these times, unless they are attending after school activities with our school staff.

Children are requested to arrive at school by 09:20. The children will be supervised from 09:10 in the yard.

Parents/Guardians are asked to drop off their children, so they can walk to their designated lines, until they are brought in by the teacher on duty at 09:20.

Pupils will not be allowed to leave the school during the school day. If a child has to be collected early, the parent/guardian should report to the office before signing out the child.

There is a 15 minute break at 11:00 and a 25 minute break at 12:40. Pupils are given time to eat their lunches at their desks before being allowed out to play. In general pupils are not allowed to remain indoors during playtime.

Behaviour and Discipline

The staff of Monksland National School want to create a climate of physical, emotional, social, and intellectual safety for students, teachersparents and guardians so that teaching and learning can occur within relationships of mutual valuing and respect. We want pupils to be self-motivated and to be at peace with themselves, others and the world around them. This requires the help and co-operation of pupils, teachers, parents and guardians. Parents/Guardians can assist the school by encouraging their child/children to abide by the school rules, encouraging punctuality and regular attendance, and by ensuring that homework is given due time and effort.

Healthy Lunches

Monksland National School supports the notion that eating healthy food is in the greater interest of all our pupils. Eating nutritious food promotes good general health, aids fitness and improves the children’s chances of listening and learning in our classrooms. It assists school and home in the important task of raising healthy, active, happy and well-balanced future adults. We have a policy of promoting healthy lunches. Please remember that we are a nut free school.

Healthy Lunches Suggested

  • Sandwiches (preferably wholemeal bread)
  • Crackers
  • Scones
  • Raw vegetables – carrot / celery sticks / cucumber etc.
  • Salad box
  • Cheese – triangles or diced
  • Yogurt
  • Fruit – apples, bananas, oranges, kiwis, pears, plums, raisins, melon slices, grapes, berries etc.

Foods Discouraged

  • Sweets
  • Chocolate
  • Fruit Winders
  • Biscuits
  • Crisps
  • Bars
  • Fizzy drinks and drinks in disposable cartons
  • Cereal Bars

Communication With The School

To enable your child/children to fully benefit from all our school has to offer, positive home / school relationships are encouraged.

Parent-Teacher Meetings will be organised in the first term, at which you will have an opportunity to formally meet your child’s class teacher.

Additional Meetings: Parents may also see teachers before or after school with prior arrangement. Please check your child’s homework journal often and use the journal to send messages to the teacher.

From September 2024, the Databiz Eolas App will be used to communicate with parents and guardians.

Newsletters are issued to parents/guardians on a termly basis to update them on recent school events. Please keep an eye on your emails, as well as your child’s school-bag, for information sent home.

TextAParent, Seesaw, Google Classroom or emails may be used to notify parents/guardians of forthcoming school events and other important dates.


If a child is absent from school for any reason, a note of explanation should be shown to the class teacher through use of the child’s school diary. If a child is absent for 20 days or more during the school year, the school is obliged to notify the National Education Welfare Board. You will receive a letter from the principal once your child has missed 15 school days.

School Uniform

All children must wear the complete school uniform every day to school

Junior Infants and Senior Infants:

  • plain navy tracksuit bottoms
  • white polo shirt
  • school sweatshirt (available in McEvoys, Dundalk)
  • velcro runners / shoes with straps (no laces)

1st Class – 6th Class:

  • navy pinafore or skirt / plain navy trousers (no logos or stripes permitted)
  • white shirt and school tie
  • school jumper (available in McEvoys, Dundalk)